Data Privacy Statement

Data Privacy Statement

RUBAG Rollmaterial und Baumaschinen AG, CH-4127 Birsfelden, is the operator of the website and is thus responsible for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data and for processing data in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Your trust is important to us; therefore, we take data protection seriously and take care to provide proper security. In doing so, as a matter of course we comply with the legal provisions of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), the Swiss Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection (OFADP), the Swiss Telecommunications Act (TCA) and other applicable data protection provisions under Swiss or EU law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please read the following information to know what personal information we collect from you and for what purpose we use it.

1. Data processing in connection with our website

1.a Visiting our website

When visiting our website, our servers temporarily store each access in a log file. The following technical data will be recorded by us, as usual with every connection with a web server, without your intervention, and stored by our provider Webland AG, CH-4142 Münchenstein until automatic deletion (latest after 12 months):

  • the IP address of the requested computer
  • the date, time and duration of access
  • name and URL of the requested file[s]
  • the website from which the access was made
  • device category, device version and operating system
  • the browser you use
  • the transmission protocol you use
  • language of your browser

The collection and processing of this data is done for the purpose of enabling the use of our website, continuously ensuring system security and stability, optimising our website, and for internal statistical purposes. This is our legitimate interest in the processing of data in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Furthermore, the IP address will be evaluated, together with other data, in case of attacks on the network infrastructure or other unauthorized use or misuse of the website, for the purpose of intelligence and protection, and, if appropriate, used in criminal proceedings for identification and civil and criminal proceedings against the relevant users. This is our legitimate interest in the processing of data in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f GDPR

1.b by using our contact form

You have the option to use a contact form to contact us. For this we require the following information:

  • Enterprise
  • Zip-Code, City
  • E-Mail
  • Phone number
  • Antispam number
  • Confirmation of our privacy policy

You help us by adding this information to establish an offer according to your needs:

  • Street, country
  • First and family name
  • How you got in contact with us
  • Request for contact
  • Register for Newsletter yes/no
  • Other wishes

All mandatory fields are marked with an asterix (*).

We use this data, along with a telephone number you may voluntarily give, only in order to answer your contact question in the best possible and personalized manner. Therefore, in accordance with Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. b GDPR, the processing of this data is required in order to conduct pre-contractual activities or is in our legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. f GDPR.

1.c by registration for our newsletter

You have the option to subscribe to our newsletter through our website. This requires registration. The following data must be provided in order to register:

  • Language of the Newsletter
  • Title
  • First and family name
  • Enterprise and city
  • E-Mail

The above is necessary for data processing. We process this data exclusively to synchronize with our SAP Business Partner data. The newsletter is sent max. quarterly to personalized recipients. RUBAG newsletters are sent almost exclusively to our customers, interested suppliers and employees, but not to competitors or to non-industry persons. By registering for the RUBAG Newsletter, you are not entitled to receive our newsletter.

By registering, you give us your consent to process the given data in order to periodically send the newsletter to the address you have given and for the statistical evaluation of user behaviour and optimisation of the newsletter. This consent constitutes the legal basis for our processing of your e-mail address in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. a GDPR. We are entitled to commission third parties with the technical handling of promotional measures and are entitled to pass on your data for this purpose (cf. cipher. 2).

At the end of each newsletter a link is provided by means of which you can unsubscribe at any time. When unsubscribing, you may voluntarily give us the reason. After unsubscribing, your personal data will be deleted. Further processing will be done in anonymous form only in order to optimise our newsletter.

We expressly point to the data analyzes in the context of newsletter distribution (see point 9).

1.d by applying for a job

You have the option of submitting a job application by using our online form. The entry of the following personal data is mandatory:

  • First and family name
  • Address (street, house no., city, Zip-Code, country)
  • Birthday
  • E-Mail
  • Confirmation of our privacy policy

This further information can be entered voluntarily:

  • Interested in a job as
  • in branch
  • Earliest possible employment
  • Phone number
  • Remarks
  • Application documents

The mandatory entries in the form are marked with a *. If this information is not provided, the online application form can not be submitted. The other information is optional and is used to classify your application.

Purpose of Data Collection / Dissemination

The collection and processing of your personal application data is exclusively earmarked for the filling of positions within our company. As a matter of principle, your data will only be forwarded to the in-house bodies and specialist departments of our company responsible for the specific application process. Your personal application data and documents will in no case be passed on to third parties.

Processing and deletion of your application

You can have your application modified or deleted at any time and ask us to assist you by contacting our Human Resources team at Personal data will then be deleted in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions. This does not apply insofar as statutory provisions preclude the deletion or further storage is necessary for the purpose of providing evidence.

Personal data will be deleted after completing the application process or at the latest six months after completing the application process. If your application is followed by the conclusion of a contract, your data may be stored and used for the purpose of the normal organizational and administrative process, in compliance with the relevant legal provisions. Of course you always have the right to withdraw your application or to request the deletion of your personal data.

Storage for future job postings

If we are unable to provide you with a vacant position, but your profile suggests that your application may be of interest for future job postings, we may save your personal application data for up to 18 months, with your express consent.

Written application

If you apply in writing for a job at RUBAG Rollmaterial und Baumaschinen AG, your personal data will not be saved. Your application documents will only be returned upon express request. In the event of cancellation, your documents will be properly destroyed within one month. If your application is followed by the conclusion of a contract, your data can be stored and used as for an online application, for the purpose of the usual organizational and administrative process, in compliance with the relevant legal provisions. Of course you always have the right to withdraw your application or to request the deletion of your personal data.

2. Data exchange with third parties

We only pass on your personal data if you have agreed, if there is a legal obligation or if this is necessary to enforce our rights, in particular to enforce claims arising from the relationship between you and RUBAG Rollmaterial und Baumaschinen AG.

We will share your data with third parties if required to request, purchase or repair any of our/your products. If this is necessary for the purposes stated in sentence 1, the disclosure may also be made abroad. The data may be needed so that our supplier can offer a product or service tailored to your needs. This includes, in particular, customer-specific adaptations to construction machinery and equipment, demonstrations and training courses.

After clicking on links to third-party websites, RUBAG Rollmaterial und Baumaschinen AG has no influence on the collection, processing, storage or use of personal data by the third party and assumes no responsibility for it. For further information regarding the processing of your personal data through the linked websites, please consult the respective privacy policy of the websites.

3. International transfer of personal data

We are also entitled to transfer your personal data to third parties abroad for the purposes of the data processing described in this Data Privacy Statement. They are obliged to protect data privacy to the same extent as we ourselves. If the level of data protection in a given land does not correspond to the Swiss or European level, we contractually ensure that the protection of your personal data corresponds to that in Switzerland or the EU at all times.

Our suppliers require personal data, for example, for warranty processing and claims settlement, but also for training and demonstration purposes. Most of our suppliers are based in Switzerland or in the EU.

4. Data security

We use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your stored personal data against manipulation, partial or complete loss, and unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are being continuously improved in line with technical developments. You should always treat your access data confidentially and close the browser window when you have finished communicating with us, especially if you share your computer with others.

We also take corporate privacy very seriously. Our employees and the service companies commissioned by us have been obliged by us to secrecy and to comply with data protection regulations. Moreover, access to the personal data is only granted to them as far as necessary.

5. Cookies

RUBAG does not use its own cookies, but we reserve the right to use this technology in the future. By using Google Analytics (see Chapter 6), cookies are generated and evaluated by Google.

6. Tracking-Tools

Google Analytics

The provider of Google Analytics is Google Inc., an enterprise of the holding company Alphabet Inc, domiciled in the USA. Before the data is transmitted to the provider, the IP address will be abbreviated by activating IP anonymisation (“anonymizeIP”) on this website within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. In these cases, we provide contractual guarantees to ensure that Google Inc. maintains a sufficient level of data protection. According to Google Inc., under no circumstances will the IP address be associated with any other user-related data.

Google is certified under the Privacy-Shield-Act and provides a guarantee to comply with European data protection law.

Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within this online offering and to provide us with further services related to the use of this online offer and the internet usage. In this case, pseudonymous user profiles of the processed data can be created.

We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means that the IP address of the users is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there.

In addition, cookies already in use by Google may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs. In addition, the data subject has the possibility of objecting to the interest-based advertising by Google. For this purpose, the data subject must call up the link to and make the desired settings on each Internet browser used by the data subject. Further information and the actual data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under

The personal data of users will be deleted or anonymized after 14 months.

7. Social Media Plugins

Our website does not use social media plugins. We reserve the right to use this technology in the future.

8. Links to our Social Media-Präsenzen

On our website, we have incorporated links to our social media profiles on the following social networks:

  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA,
  • YouTube LLC., 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, und

If you click or press the respective social network icons, you will be automatically redirected to our profile on the relevant network. In order to use the functions of the relevant network there, you must partially log in to your user account for the relevant network.

When you open a link to one of our social media profiles, a direct connection is established between your browser and the server of that social network. This gives the network the information that you have visited our website with your IP address and called up the link. If you access a link to a network while logged in to your account on the relevant network, the contents of our page may be linked to your profile in the network, which means that the network can link your visit to our website directly to your user account. If you want to prevent this, you should log out before clicking on the appropriate links. An assignment takes place in any case when you log in to the relevant network after pressing the link.

9. Analyse of Newsletter usage

For the dispatch of our newsletter we use e-mail marketing services of rapidmail GmbH, Augustinerplatz 2, D-79098 Freiburg im Breisgau. Our newsletter can therefore contain a so-called web beacon (counting pixel) or similar technical means. A web beacon is a 1x1 pixel, non-visible graphic that is related to the user ID of each newsletter subscriber.

The use of corresponding services enables the evaluation of whether the emails have been opened with our newsletter. In addition, the click behavior of the newsletter recipients can also be recorded and evaluated. We use this data for statistical purposes and to optimize the content and structure of the newsletter. This allows us to better align the information and offers in our newsletter with the individual interests of each recipient. The counting pixel is deleted when you delete the newsletter.

To stop tracking pixels in our newsletter, please set your email program so that no HTML is displayed in messages.

For this data processing, we rely on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO and thus to our legitimate interest.

10. Note about data transfers to the USA

For the sake of completeness, we would like to point out to users resident or domiciled in Switzerland or the European Union that there are surveillance measures in the USA by US authorities which generally store all personal data of all persons whose data comes from Switzerland or the USA European Union to the United States. This is done without differentiation, restriction or exemption on the basis of the objective pursued and without an objective criterion that allows US authorities' access to the data and its subsequent use to be restricted to very specific, strictly limited purposes, consistent with both the To justify access to these data as well as to interfere with their use. In addition, we point out that in the US there are no legal remedies available to data subjects in Switzerland and the European Union that allow them access to their data and to correct or delete them, or that they are not effective legal protection against general access rights of US authorities. We explicitly inform those concerned about this legal and factual situation in order to make an informed decision to consent to the use of his / her data.

Users resident in a Member State of the EU, we point out that the US, from the point of view of the European Union - dont have a sufficient level of data protection, inter alia because of the issues mentioned in this section. To the extent that we have explained in this privacy policy that recipients of data (such as Google, Facebook and Twitter) are located in the United States, we will either be governed by contractual arrangements with these companies or by securing certification of these companies under the EU-US -Privacy Shield ensure that your data is protected at an appropriate level by our partners.

11. Right to information, rectification, erasure and restriction of processing; Right to data portability

You have the right to receive information about the personal data that we store about you on request free of charge. In addition, you have the right to correct inaccurate data and the right to delete your personal data, as far as there is no legal duty to retain or a permit that allows us to process the data. In addition, according to Articles 18 and 21 DSGVO, they have the right to demand a restriction of data processing and to oppose data processing.

You also have the right to reclaim from us the data that you have given us (right to data portability). On request, we also pass the data on to a third party of your choice. You have the right to receive the data in a common file format.

You can reach us for the aforementioned purposes by e-mail to (contact point 13). We may, at our sole discretion, require proof of identity to process your requests.

You can also tell us what to do with your information after you die, by giving us instructions.

12. Storage of data

We only store personal information for as long as it is necessary

  • to use the above tracking, advertising and analysis services within our legitimate interest;
  • to carry out services to the extent specified above, that you have requested or to which you have given your consent (for example, to newsletter pursuant to paragraph 9); and
  • to comply with our legal obligations.

Contract data will be kept longer by us, as this is required by legal storage obligations. Retention requirements that oblige us to retain data arise from accounting and tax regulations. According to these regulations, business communications, closed contracts and accounting documents must be kept for up to 10 years. If we no longer need this data to perform the services for you, the data will be blocked. This means that the data may then only be used for accounting purposes and for tax purposes.

13. Contact

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the data policy and our general terms and conditions by sending an email to

Or write a letter addressed to:

RUBAG Rollmaterial und Baumaschinen AG
Sternenfeldstrasse 1-3
CH-4127 Birsfelden
Phone +41 61 377 85 55

14. Right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority

If you live in an EU country, you have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority at any time.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the data policy and our general terms and conditions. For options see chapter 13.


We do not accept any infringing, offensive or punishable statements and discussions on our website. Should users, our organization or third parties be defamed, we reserve the right to delete these posts without comment, as they do not correspond to this netiquette.

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. As of March 2019.