Our house brands
Gain a comprehensive overview of the brands in the RUBAG range. They all stand for quality and superior product development.
Our house brands

Under our own RUBAG brand, we offer a wide range of construction machinery, trailers, crane accessories, water protection systems, stackers and containers, most of which we have developed and designed ourselves.

Yanmar Compact Equipment EMEA is a leading manufacturer and developer of modern compact equipment for the construction industry. Production takes place in our own factories in Crailsheim (Germany) and Saint-Dizier (France). RUBAG distributes the following Yanmar machines: crawler excavators mobile excavators Tracked dumpers

Schäffer is the leading German manufacturer of articulated loaders for the construction and industrial sectors. RUBAG distributes the following Schäffer machines: wheel loaders telehandlers Attachments Assortment PDF

Weber Maschinentechnik (MT) is the specialist par excellence for light compaction technology. RUBAG distributes the following Weber MT machines: trench masher vibration plates rollers Vibratory needles and converters

Cedima is a leading manufacturer of cutting machines and diamond accessories for the construction industry. As the exclusive Cedima dealer in Switzerland, RUBAG: joint cutters table saws / stone milling machines Diamond tools

CompAir is the specialist par excellence for compressors and air tools. RUBAG distributes the following CompAir devices: Mobile construction compressors Hydraulic hammers

Epiroc ist führender Hersteller von Bagger-Anbaugeräten für Abriss und Abbruch. Als Epiroc Händler in der Schweiz vertreibt RUBAG: Hydraulikhämmer Serie EC für Bagger bis 20t

Führender Schweizer Anbieter von Schlauch-, Verbindungs- und Antriebstechnik sowie Mobilhydraulik. Heizmann bietet das grösste Netz an Hydraulik-Stützpunkten in der Schweiz, einschliesslich einer Servicestelle bei RUBAG Baumaschinen in Birsfelden.

Soundproofed electricity generators: powerful and quiet. Himoinsa power generators are equipped with environmentally friendly Stage V diesel engines and ensure weatherproof outdoor operation and quiet indoor use. Product range

Leading manufacturer of excavator attachments and accessories. RUBAG carries the following KINSHOFER attachments in its range: multi-purpose gripper augers

Pramac deckt Ihren Strombedarf mit tragbaren, kompakten Inverter-Stromgeneratoren und leistungsstarken Notstromaggregaten.