
Whether hand-guided vibratory rollers for the compression of asphalt or remote-controlled trench rollers, our range impresses with single-roller rollers from STECK and double-roller rollers from Weber MT. All very high-quality, robust and durable machines that have proven themselves on the market for many years.

WEBER Walzen
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Weight Centrifugal force Bandage width Engine power
WEBER Duplex roller DVH 600 420 kg10 kN650 mm5,5 kW
WEBER Duplex roller DVH 655 732 kg21 kN650 mm7,3 kW
WEBER Duplex roller HPR 65 840 kg22 kN650 mm7,3 kW
WEBER MC 85 trench roller 1'628 kg73 kN820 mm17,5 kW